F:(888) 306-8259

P: (407) 734-0003

E: Info@PrismPhysics.com

Bank of America City Center, 401 E Las Olas Blvd, Suite 130-143, Fort Lauderdale FL 33301

Breast MRI Accreditation Support

  • Scanning and evaluation of MRI ACR phantom images for submission

  • Establishment of the Technologist QC Program with Action Levels

  • Periodic review of the status of the Technologist QC Program with recommendations for improvement

  • Performance of the Annual Medical Physics Survey of the MRI Unit and all associated Coils in accordance with ACR and Joint Commission requirements

Additional Services Available:

  • MRI Room RF Shielding Integrity Checks

  • Acceptance Testing of the MRI Unit and all associated Coils

  • Assistance in Developing a MRI Safety Program

  • MRI Zones planning and Gauss-Line Verification